Do you want to make a difference in the election this fall? Campaign experts told us in 1996 that the Private Property Congressional Vote Index made "THE DIFFERENCE" in seven races and "A DIFFERENCE" in many more. Why? Because it educates the public and makes Members of Congress accountable for their votes on your issues.
When you look over the Vote Index carefully you'll see that our advisory group selected 12 votes in the House and 6 Votes in the Senate (plus sponsorship of S-781, the Omnibus Property Rights Act).
Each vote is easy to read and explained in detail so that you can use the Vote Index to educate those who may not be familiar with how Congress works. You can see in black and white whether your Congressman or Senators really support you. Do they keep their promises? Actual votes dont lie.
Examine how your Congressman and Senators voted. Look up the scores of other Members of Congress. Don't assume that because Congressmen and Senators in your state got a high score that you are safe. It is the Members in other states who sell you out with what they think are free environmental votes that threaten your future. The Vote Index gives you a way to make them pay a price in their state.
Every Senator and Congressman who scores at least a 75% receives a "Champion" of Property Rights certificate. Every Member who gets 30% or less is rated an "Enemy" of Property Rights.
Full size examples of actual "Champion" and "Enemy" certificates are printed in each Vote Index. The more certificates that get distributed, the better voters will be informed. In 1996 several groups used the "Enemy" certificates as ads in local newspapers. Many Congressmen asked for pictures and press releases with their Champion of Property Rights certificates.
The key to making the 1998 Vote Index successful is distribution. In 1996, the League of Private Property Voters printed over 500,000 copies of the Vote Index. That was possible because thousands of private property advocates sent contributions and sponsorships to help print and distribute the Vote Index.
In 1998, our plan is to print over 1,000,000 copies of the Private Property Congressional Vote Index. Because the Vote Index is such a powerful educational tool, numerous political organizations in Washington DC and around the country have urged that we increase our printing and distribution.
To distribute 1,000,000 copies of the Vote Index there must be a huge uprising of support by landowners and multiple-use advocates. Here's how you can help:
You may have already seen articles in your newspaper about the Vote Index. That's because we released it the same day at a National Press Club press conference where the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released their Congressional Scorecard. The LCV is the political arm of the Sierra Club, Wilderness Society and many other green groups. The LCV was very upset but the press loved it! They were able to do stories showing how both sides rated Congress . . . side by side.
No matter whether you are interested in farming, ranching, mining, family recreation or timber supply, or are worried about wetlands, watersheds, ecosystem management, roadless areas, Wilderness, Endangered Species Act regulations or other private property issues, the Vote Index is your most powerful election tool.
Now the race is on. If the League of Private Property Voters is going to deliver 1,000,000 copies of the 1998 Private Property Congressional Vote Index, it will be your generosity that makes it happen.
Congress is backing off on environmental issues in the face of pressure from the greens. There is no more powerful issue than that of private property to energize Congress to save you from extreme Federal regulations and government "takings."
Use the Vote Index as a weapon to persuade Congress it must do the right thing and save private property by reforming many out-of-date green laws. By confronting your Congressional delegation and their voting record, you may swing the vote that helps our side win. It's your choice.
Time is critical. The League plans to print up to 40,000 copies of the Vote Index each printing. That means we must receive your support quickly.
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