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The Budget Resolution does NOT include an allowance or "Marker" for S.25, the PORK BARREL LAND GRAB Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA)!!!
An amendment to include CARA was offered in the Budget Committee by Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota, but was shelved by a vote of 13 to 9.
Here is the Roll Call vote in the Budget Committee to "shelve," or decline to consider, including CARA in the budget resolution:
YES is FOR property rights NO is AGAINST property rights
Pete Domenici (R-NM) YES
Charles Grassley (R-IA) YES
Don Nickles (R-OK) YES
Phil Gramm (R-TX) YES
Christopher Bond (R-MO) YES
Slade Gorton (R-WA) YES
Judd Gregg (R-NH) YES
Olympia Snowe (R-ME) YES
Spencer Abraham (R-MI) YES
Bill Frist (R-TN) YES
Rod Grams (R-MN) YES
Gordon Smith (R-OR) YESDemocrats:
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) NO
Ernest Hollings (D-SC) NO
Kent Conrad (D-ND) YES
Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) NO
Barbara Boxer (D-CA) NO
Patty Murray (D-WA) NO
Ron Wyden (D-OR) NO
Russell Feingold (D-WI) NO
Tim Johnson (D-SD) NO
Richard Durbin (D-IL) NOThe Budget Resolution was debated on the floor of the Senate for three days the following week. After their defeat in committee, CARA supporters did not know if they had votes on the floor to include CARA in the Budget Resolution. To avoid the possibility of a second defeat, they decided not to propose the CARA amendment.
If the $3 billion per year allowance for CARA had been included in the Budget Resolution, then the legislation itself would only need 51 votes to be approved by the Senate. Now it will need 60 votes to override the budget guidelines.
The House also did NOT include CARA in its Budget Resolution.
Senator Slade Gorton of Washington and Budget Committee Chairman Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico led the charge FOR property owners and AGAINST irresponsible pork barrel spending. Thank you Senators!
Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota EXPOSED farmers, ranchers and all property owners in South Dakota to MASSIVE ADVERSE CONDEMNATION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY by power hungry government agents. He supported environmental extremists and animal rights activists who stand to gain MILLIONS in grants of taxpayer funds from Title 3 and Title 7 of CARA.
Be informed! Don't allow yourself to be snowed by CARA.
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