SEC. 407. GRANTS. Section 1006 (16 U.S.C. 2505) is amended--
``Sec. 1006. (a)(1) The Secretary may provide 70 percent matching grants for rehabilitation, development, acquisition, and innovation purposes to any eligible general purpose local government upon approval by the Secretary of an application submitted by the chief executive of such government. ``(2) At the discretion of such an applicant, a grant under this section may be transferred in whole or part to independent special purpose local governments, private nonprofit agencies, or county or regional park authorities, if--
``(3) Payments may be made only for those rehabilitation, development, or innovation projects that have been approved by the Secretary. Such payments may be made from time to time in keeping with the rate of progress toward completion of a project, on a reimbursable basis.''. SEC. 408. RECOVERY ACTION PROGRAMS. Section 1007(a) (16 U.S.C. 2506(a)) is amended--
SEC. 409. STATE ACTION INCENTIVES. Section 1008 (16 U.S.C. 2507) is amended--
``(b) Coordination With Land and Water Conservation Fund Activities.--(1) The Secretary and general purpose local governments are encouraged to coordinate preparation of recovery action programs required by this title with State Plans or Agendas required under section 6 of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, including by allowing flexibility in preparation of recovery action programs so they may be used to meet State and local qualifications for local receipt of Land and Water Conservation Fund grants or State grants for similar purposes or for other conservation or recreation purposes. ``(2) The Secretary shall encourage States to consider the findings, priorities, strategies, and schedules included in the recovery action programs of their urban localities in preparation and updating of State plans in accordance with the public coordination and citizen consultation requirements of subsection 6(d) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965.''. SEC. 410. CONVERSION OF RECREATION PROPERTY. Section 1010 (16 U.S.C. 2509) is amended to read as follows:
``Sec. 1010. (a)(1) No property developed, acquired, or rehabilitated under this title shall, without the approval of the Secretary, be converted to any purpose other than public recreation purposes. ``(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to--
``(b)(1) The Secretary shall approve such conversion only if the grantee demonstrates no prudent or feasible alternative exists. ``(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to property that is no longer a viable recreation facility due to changes in demographics or that must be abandoned because of environmental contamination which endangers public health or safety. ``(c) Any conversion must satisfy any conditions the Secretary considers necessary to assure substitution of other recreation property that is--
SEC. 411. REPEAL. Section 1015 (16 U.S.C. 2514) is repealed. |
SEC. 407. GRANTS. Section 1006 (16 U.S.C. 2505) is amended--
`GRANTS `SEC. 1006. (a)(1) The Secretary may provide 70 percent matching grants for rehabilitation, development, acquisition, and innovation purposes to any eligible general purpose local government upon approval by the Secretary of an application submitted by the chief executive of such government. `(2) At the discretion of such an applicant, a grant under this section may be transferred in whole or part to independent special purpose local governments, private nonprofit agencies, or county or regional park authorities, if--
`(3) Payments may be made only for those rehabilitation, development, or innovation projects that have been approved by the Secretary. Such payments may be made from time to time in keeping with the rate of progress toward completion of a project, on a reimbursable basis.'. SEC. 408. RECOVERY ACTION PROGRAMS. Section 1007(a) (16 U.S.C. 2506(a)) is amended--
SEC. 409. STATE ACTION INCENTIVES. Section 1008 (16 U.S.C. 2507) is amended--
`(b) COORDINATION WITH LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND ACTIVITIES- (1) The Secretary and general purpose local governments are encouraged to coordinate preparation of recovery action programs required by this title with State Plans or Agendas required under section 6 of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, including by allowing flexibility in preparation of recovery action programs so they may be used to meet State and local qualifications for local receipt of Land and Water Conservation Fund grants or State grants for similar purposes or for other conservation or recreation purposes. `(2) The Secretary shall encourage States to consider the findings, priorities, strategies, and schedules included in the recovery action programs of their urban localities in preparation and updating of State plans in accordance with the public coordination and citizen consultation requirements of subsection 6(d) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965.'. SEC. 410. CONVERSION OF RECREATION PROPERTY. Section 1010 (16 U.S.C. 2509) is amended to read as follows: `CONVERSION OF RECREATION PROPERTY `SEC. 1010. (a)(1) No property developed, acquired, or rehabilitated under this title shall, without the approval of the Secretary, be converted to any purpose other than public recreation purposes. `(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to--
`(b)(1) The Secretary shall approve such conversion only if the grantee demonstrates no prudent or feasible alternative exists. `(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to property that is no longer a viable recreation facility due to changes in demographics or that must be abandoned because of environmental contamination which endangers public health or safety. `(c) Any conversion must satisfy any conditions the Secretary considers necessary to assure substitution of other recreation property that is--
SEC. 411. REPEAL. Section 1015 (16 U.S.C. 2514) is repealed. |
PRESERVATION FUND SEC. 501. TREATMENT OF AMOUNTS TRANSFERRED FROM CONSERVATION AND REINVESTMENT ACT FUND. Section 108 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470h) is amended--
``(b) Amounts transferred to the Secretary under section 5(b)(5) of the Conservation and Reinvestment Act of 2000 in a fiscal year shall be deposited into the Fund and shall be available without further appropriation to carry out this Act. ``(c) At least one-half of the funds obligated or expended each fiscal year under this Act shall be used in accordance with this Act for preservation projects on historic properties. In making such funds available, the Secretary shall give priority to the preservation of endangered historic properties.''. SEC. 502. STATE USE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION ASSISTANCE FOR NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS AND CORRIDORS. Title I of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470a et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 114. STATE USE OF ASSISTANCE FOR NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS AND CORRIDORS. ``In addition to other uses authorized by this Act, amounts provided to a State under this title may be used by the State to provide financial assistance to the management entity for any national heritage area or national heritage corridor established under the laws of the United States, to support cooperative historic preservation planning and development.''.
FUND SEC. 501. TREATMENT OF AMOUNTS TRANSFERRED FROM CONSERVATION AND REINVESTMENT ACT FUND. Section 108 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470h) is amended--
`(b) Amounts transferred to the Secretary under section 5(b)(5) of the Conservation and Reinvestment Act in a fiscal year shall be deposited into the Fund and shall be available without further appropriation only to provide grants and other financial and technical assistance under this Act to States, Indian tribes, local governments, and other non-Federal governmental entities. `(c) At least one-half of the funds obligated or expended each fiscal year under this Act shall be used in accordance with this Act for preservation projects on historic properties. In making such funds available, the Secretary shall give priority to the preservation of endangered historic properties.'. SEC. 502. STATE USE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION ASSISTANCE FOR NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS AND CORRIDORS. Title I of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470a et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: `SEC. 114. STATE USE OF ASSISTANCE FOR NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS AND CORRIDORS. `In addition to other uses authorized by this Act, amounts provided to a State under this title may be used by the State to provide financial assistance to the management entity for any national heritage area or national heritage corridor established under the laws of the United States, to support cooperative historic preservation planning and development.'. SEC. 503. FUNDING FOR MARITIME HERITAGE PROGRAMS. Section 6 of the National Maritime Heritage Act of 1994 (16 U.S.C. 5405) is amended--
`(d) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FROM CONSERVATION AND REINVESTMENT ACT FUND- Amounts transferred to the Secretary under section 5(b)(8) of the Conservation and Reinvestment Act shall be available until expended and without further appropriation to carry out the Program as provided in subsection (b).'; and
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