Don Young Congressional Hearing
March 31, 1999 -- Anchorage, Alaska on:
HR 701 -- Conservation and Reinvestment Act of 1999
HR 798 -- Permanent Protection For America's Resources 2000 Act.
Testimony of Ray Kreig
- What reason is there for net transfer of even one more acre of private land in Alaska
to the federal government? In Alaska it should not even be a goal to have "No Net Loss
of Private Land". Exclusive of native corporations, only one third of one percent of our
state is private land as it is! We should be going in the other direction, conveying more
federal land to private ownership.
- The private property protections in HR 701 are weak and will be ineffective in
protecting land owners from special interests and agencies who really want Congress to
give them the unchecked condemnation powers under HR 798. As long as the trust fund
money is supplied, the ultimate result will be the same as under HR 798.
- HR 798 and 701 are fatally flawed. Any benefits from HR 701 OCS revenue sharing
will not be worth the terrible cost to American values and society that will result from the
land trust entitlement in both bills. See Resolution S99-12 of the California
Republican Party.
- A wise steward takes care of and protects what he has before buying even more land.
Everyone agrees there is an unmet multi billion dollar maintenance backlog on government
property and facilities already. Why can't Land & Water Conservation Funds be
freed up to address this backlog? Why restrict use of the federal LWCF funds to
land purchases?
More information and copy of complete testimony see:
American Land Rights Association
or contact Ray Kreig (907) 276-2025
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American Land Rights Association
Tel: 360-687-3087
FAX: 360-687-2973
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