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by Kent Anderson
page six
1 Interview with State Representative Hugh Ashley, December 17, 1980; Arkansas Gazette, April 20, 1969, p. 2E; U.S., Department of Interior, National Park Service, Buffalo National River Final Master Plan, (Denver: National Park Service, 1977), pp. 1-2.
2 Interview with Lucille Hannon, December 16, 1980; Kansas City Star, April 11, 1971, (clipping--pagination unavailable); Final Master Plan, p. 2.
3 Hannan interview; Kansas City Star, loc. cit., Letter from Sen. John McClellan to State Rep. Sterling -Hurley, April 24, 1971.
4 Arkansas Gazette, April 23, 1971, p. 1; The Informer, March 27, 1970, (E-lipping--pagination unavailable); Kansas City Star, loc. cit.; Marshall Mountain Wave, February 6, 1969, p. 1; Interview with Hap and Rhonda Teter December 15-17, 1980.
5 Arkansas Gazette, July 13, 1969, p. B; Ibid., June 13, 1971, (clipping--pagination unavailable); Kansas City Star, loc. cit.
6 Arkansas Gazette, April 18, 1969, p. 1; Baxter Bulletin, April 30, 1970, (clipping--pagination unavailable); Ibid., September 3, 1970, p. 1-D; Boone County Headlight, August 1, 1968, p. 1; Ibid., April 1969, p. 1; Ibid., June 26, 1969, p. 1; Harrison Daily Times, March 4, 1968, p. 1; Marshall Mountain Wave, loc. cit., Teter Interview; Final Master Plan, pp. 3-4; Interview with Ruth Wilson, December 14-15, & 18, 1980 and January 9 and 30, 1981.
7 Acquisition Ceiling Increases, Statutes at Large, XC, 2732, 2736 (1972); Buffalo National River Act, Statutes at Large, LXXXVI, 44-46 (1976); Harrison Daily Times, February 8, 1972, p. 1; Ibid., April 12, 1978, (clipping--pagination unavailable); U.S., Congress, House, Congressman Hammerschmidt speaking in favor of the proposed Buffalo National River, 2nd Cong., 2nd sess., May 13, 1971, Congressional Record, XVII, 14916-14917.
1 Interview with Andrew Adams, Land Acquisition Office, Buffalo National River, National Park Service, December 23,1980; Interview with Waymon and Norma Lee Villines, December 14, 1980.
2 Interview with Conrad Villines, December 14, 1980.
3 Interview with Tommy Martin, December 14, 1980 and January 10, 1981.
4 Interview with Bill and Charlene Clark, December 15, 1980.
5 Adams interview; Harvey Arden, "America's Little Mainstream," National Geographic, March, 1977, p, 348; Grapevine (Fayetteville), December 13, 1978, pp, 4-5; Springfield (Missouri) News and Leader, September 23, 1978, p, 8A; Rhonda Teter, "Granny Henderson," The Newton County Homestead, Summer, 1980, pp. 8-10; Interview with Howard Villines, December 15, 1980; Letter from Howard Villines to Senator Ted Stevens, August 8, 1979; Wilson interview.
6 Interview with Arvel Casey, December 15, 1980,
7 Minutes of Meeting of the Committee for Landowners' Rights of the Newton County Quorum Court, October, 1979; Teter interview.
8 Walter F. Lackey, History of Newton County, Arkansas (Point Lookout, Missouri: School of the Ozarks Press, 1950),pp. 286-288. Interview with Paul Villines, December 15, 1980; Waymon Villines interview.
9 Interview with Herb Van Deven, December 18, 1980.
10 Interview with Dewey Massey, December 17, 1980.
11 Interview with Neil Wilkins, December 16, 1980.
12 Interview with Jerry Patterson, December 17, 1980.
13 Interview with Howard and Vivian Marshall, December 17, 1980.
14 Letter from the law offices of Adams, Covington, and Younes, Harrison, Arkansas, to Mt. and Mrs. Roy Keeton, Sr., July 9, 1979; Interview with Roy Keeton, Jr., December 15, 1980.
15 Interview with Marilyn Eaton, January 9, 1981.
16 Letter from Sen. Dale Bumpers to Kenneth Villines, September 4, 1979; Letter from Sen, Dale Bumpers to Kenneth Villines, October 4, 1979; Martin interview; Letter from Tommy Martin, County Solicitor, Newton County, to Andrew Adams, Land Acquisition Office, Buffalo National River, National Park Service, July 16, 1979; Letter from John Turney, Superintendent, BNR, to Cong. John Paul Hammerschmidt, July 10, 1979; Interview with Kenneth Villines, December 15, 1980; Letter from Kenneth Villines to Sen. Dale Bumpers, August 27, 1979.
17 Interview with Oxford Hamilton, December 16, 1980.
18 Interview with Bill Brasel, December 16, 1980.
19 Interview with Sam Hugh Park, January 19, 1981.
20 Interview with Ted and Jimmie Shaddox, December 18, 1980.
21 Interview with Emmett and Katie Slay, December 17, 1980; Wilson interview.
22 Interview with Ray Watkins, December 16, 1980.
23 Interview with Weldon Clagett, December 16, 1980; Interview with Robert Hickman, December 16, 1980; Park interview.
24 Interview with Bill Duty, December 15, 1980.
25 Ashley interview; Statement of Hugh Ashley before Oversight Hearing, Hot Springs, Ark., September 16, 1977.
26 Interview with Ken Hubbard, December 17, 1980.
27 Interview with Ed Tudor, December 17, 1980.
28 Hannon interview.
29 Interview with Harmon Chadbourn, January 12 and 27, 1981; Interview with Harold Hedges, January 11, 1981.
30 Chadbourn Interview.
31 Letter from W. E. Bramhall, Land Acquisition Office, Buffalo National River, National Park Service, to Hilary Jones, August 25, 1977; Letter from Rienhart Johansen, Land Acquisition Office, Buffalo National River, National Park Service, to Hilary Jones, September 23, 1977; Interview with Hilary Jones, December 16-17, 1980.
1 Adams interview; Teter interview; Interview with Rhona Weaver, Agricultural Assistant to Sen. Dale Bumpers, January 8, 1981.
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