Land Rights Network
American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400 - Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 - Fax: 360-687-2973
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Stop Sally Jewell from being confirmed by the Senate as the new Secretary of Interior.

Your Senators will be home for the next couple of weeks. Call both your Senators at (202) 224-3121

Background: Stop Sally Jewell for Secretary of Interior

Obama Interior Nominee Jewell Is Extreme Greenie, Call Now!

If you like new National Monuments and Wilderness areas, Sally Jewell will make you happy.

If you like Interior Secretary Salazar's Wildlands Secretarial order, you will love Sally Jewell who will grab huge amounts of Federal land and set them aside as "Wildlands". This is a back door attempt to bypass Congress by creating more "Wilderness" without Congressional approval. This "Wildlands" Secretarial order will also include vast amounts of private land for the Obama Administration.

If you like Interior Secretary Salazar's "Bluewater Secretarial Order then sit on your hands and do nothing. Jewell will lock up dozens of rivers without Congressional approval.
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-----Background: Stop Sally Jewell from becoming Secretary of the Interior.

From the Wall Street Journal: (March 7, 2013)

"A Jewell Who's Rough on Jobs As CEO of retailer REI, the incoming secretary of the interior was on the radical extreme, using investor dollars to wage open green activism.


- In naming Sally Jewell as Interior secretary, President Obama lauded the REI boss as a woman who "knows the link between conservation and good jobs." Tell that to Kevin Lunny.

Mr. Lunny runs an 80-year-old California oyster business that had the bad luck decades ago of being enclosed in a federal park. On Monday, as Ms. Jewell polished her acceptance speech, a federal judge ordered the business evicted. Among the organizations working hardest to destroy the livelihood of Mr. Lunny and his 30 workers was the National Parks Conservation Association. Ms. Jewell is vice-chairman of its board.

The press is just wild about Sally, feting the president's nominee as
everything to everybody. She's never held office. She's the CEO of a
successful outdoor retailer. She's a woman. She started as an oil company engineer. She is a "committed conservationist." What's not to love?

- - -Enlarge Image (There was a picture here we could not send)

Kevin Lunny, owner of Drakes Bay Oyster Company, hugs longtime worker Lupe Guadalupe Arriago after learning the government will not renew his family's lease in Inverness, Calif., Nov. 29, 2012.

Far from a creative choice, Ms. Jewell is just the newest addition to Mr. Obama's second-term team of loyal ideologues. It is in fact Ms. Jewell's (relatively unknown) history on the environmental fringe, and her liberal policy prescriptions, that surely made this an easy Obama call.

The president knows he can rely on Ms. Jewell to do for the federal government exactly what she's done at an activist level: Lock up land, target industries, kill traditional jobs.

There are companies that strive to be environmentally responsible. And then there is a different category of firms altogether-those on the radical extreme, which use investor dollars to wage open green activism. REI is among these.

Ms. Jewell, who joined the REI board in 1996 and rose to CEO in 2005, has been central to campaigns that have squelched thousands of jobs in the name of environmental purity.

REI, for instance, actively supported the Clinton-era Roadless Area
Conservation Rule, which in 2001 locked up a third of all national forests, dealing another blow to logging and mining.

When former Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire in 2006 announced she'd fight the Bush administration's effort to inject some flexibility into the rule, she held her press conference at REI's headquarters, flanked by Ms. Jewell.

"We develop them, we log them, we mine them-we lose those assets forever," complained Ms. Jewell at the event. REI's well-heeled clientele ultimately got 58 million acres of "pristine" walking trails; Western loggers got to tell their kids they no longer had a job.

REI's bigger influence, however, has come from funneling money to radical groups via the Conservation Alliance, a foundation it created with Patagonia, The North Face and Kelty in 1989. Ms. Jewell was lauded by the group in 2010 for committing REI to giving more than $100,000 a year to this outfit.

The Conservation Alliance maintains a list of the "successes" it has notched via the dollars it sends to militant environmental groups like Earthjustice. In the past few years alone that list has included "77 oil and gas leases halted" in Utah, 55,000 acres put off limits to oil and gas jobs in Colorado, the destructions of functioning dams, and the removal of millions of new acres from any business pursuit.

The Alliance is particularly proud of its role in getting the Obama team in 2012 to lock up half of Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve-set aside 90 years ago specifically for oil and gas. Rex Rock, the president of the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, which represents the economic interests of the Inupiat Eskimos, wrote that the decision will "cripple the lone economic driver for our communities," and make the Inupiat "exhibits in an outdoor museum."

The NPCA, when it isn't destroying oyster farmers, has filed lawsuits
attacking power plants and waged campaigns to ban off-road vehicles and snowmobiles in park lands. Ms. Jewell, on the board since 2004, was there for many of these efforts to kill jobs and restrict park use to those whom the NPCA approves. These are the very parks Ms. Jewell will oversee as Interior secretary.

As for Ms. Jewell's own views, here's what she took away from her time at an oil company, as described in a 2007 Forbes interview: "I would say I just really have a good fundamental knowledge of what happens when you drill for oil. What happens when oil gets in a creek? How do you deal with that? What are the environmental challenges? What's the water quality in the community? These are all things that, when you see them on the ground, you recognize that there is a cost to consumption."

What might also have qualified Ms. Jewell for the nomination is her open support for an idea of great interest to this administration. "I know tax is a dirty word, but if we were paying a carbon tax that accounted for our impact on greenhouse gases, that would in fact change our consumption," explained Mrs. Jewell in 2009. She's certainly an Obama fan, donating $10,000 to his re-election. No word if she's sent an equivalent check to Mr. Lunny, or the Inupiat.

"She knows that there's no contradiction between being good stewards of the land and our economic progress," raved Mr. Obama in announcing her. Ms. Jewell's history is instead proof that she believes no such thing.

*Write to [email protected]*

End of Wall Street Journal Article.
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-----You can help stop Sally Jewell from taking control of the National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Land Management. She will also have control over huge land issues, all Endangered Species issues and the Land And Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). She will have a lot of power to destroy jobs and rural communities. She will have huge powers over Eminent Domain and Condemnation of private property. And she will use it.

Stop Sally Jewell Action Items:

-----1. Please forward this message as widely as possible. It would help if you send it to your whole list.

-----2. Send e-mails, faxes and make phone calls to the Senators listed below. Ask for the person handling the Sally Jewell Secretary of the Interior nomination.

-----3. Call, fax and e-mail both your Senators. They can both be reached at the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask for the person handling the Sally Jewell Interior Secretary nomination.

-----Your Senator can stop Sally Jewell. He can put a hold on the nomination. All he or she must do is promise the Leadership that he or she will object or filibuster Sally Jewell's nomination.

These Senators are especially important to stop Sally Jewell from becoming Secretary of the Interior.

Key Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee - Republicans - All Senators can be reached at (202) 224-3121. Note: When sending e-mail to these staff members below, they have an underscore between their first and last name. There is no underline in the e-mail address, just the underscore.

ALEXANDER, LAMAR (TN), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-228-3398

BARRASSO JOHN (WY), Brian Clifford, [email protected] -- fax: -202-224-1724

COBURN, TOM (OK), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-224-6008

COLLINS, SUSAN (ME), Staff: [email protected]-- fax: 202-224-2693

CORKER, BOB (TN), Staff: [email protected]-- fax: 202-228-0566

CRAPO, MICHAEL (ID), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-228-1375

ENZI, MICHAEL (WY), Staff: -- [email protected] fax: 202-228-0359

FLAKE, JEFF (AZ), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-228-0515

GRAHAM, LINDSEY (SC), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-224-3808

HATCH, ORRIN (UT), Staff: [email protected]-- fax: 202-224-6331

HELLER, DEAN (NV), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-224-6244

HOEVEN, JOHN (ND), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-224-7999

INHOFE, JAMES (OK), Staff: [email protected]-- fax: 202-228-0380

LEE, MIKE (UT), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-228-1168

MCCAIN, JOHN (AZ), Staff: [email protected]-- fax: 202-228-2862

MURKOWSKI, LISA (AK), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-224-5301
[email protected]

PORTMAN, ROB (OH), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-224-9558

RISCH, JAMES (ID), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-224-2753

SCOTT, TIM (SC), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-228-1048

THUNE, JOHN (SD), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-228-5429

VITTER, DAVID (LA), Staff: [email protected] -- fax: 202-228-5061

SCOTT, TIM (SC) (Newly appointed). Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to reach his office. Ask for the person who handles the Sally Jewell nomination. If no one has taken that position yet, as for the Chief of Staff. Ask for their e-mail address. You can fax Senator Scott at (202) 228-5143. His personal phone number is (202) 224-6121.

Here's a reminder list of some of the land grab threats including National Monuments the Obama Administration as talked and written about. Sally Jewell is the perfect person to implements these huge land grabs.

-----New Endangered Species Act Land Grab based on habitat for the Sage Grouse that could take over millions of acres of like the Spotted Owl

-----New National Monuments;
-----New National Blueways program
-----National Wildlands land grab;
-----New Wilderness study areas;
-----Treasured Landscapes Initiative;
-----America's Great Outdoors Campaign;
-----New BLM Land Use Planning/Wilderness expansion; and
-----Expansion of the use of Eminent domain and Condemnation.
-----Expansion of funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

Easter Break is a big opportunity for you. Don't miss out. Take action now.

Chuck Cushman
American Land Rights
(360) 687-3087 - [email protected]