VIDEO (Narrated Filmstrip, 11:44 min)
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In Condemnation, The Cuyahoga Valley -- Mark and Dan Jury produced this short filmstrip in 1979. At the time, the filmmakers were trying to get a handle on the huge problem of Kelo type condemnation or eminent domain by the Park Service across the country. Over 60,000 people lost their homes, farms and land to NPS eminent domain abuses before Congress began to take away NPS (National Park Service) money.
The filmmakers chose to use the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area (NRA) in Ohio as an example although there were many more across America. Condemnations by the National Park Service have been reduced in recent years because the American Land Rights Association and other groups have tried to educate Congress that when they give the NPS more money for land acquisition, it just means more condemnation and threats of condemnation by Federal land acquisition agents working for the Park Service.
This filmstrip, "In Condemnation, The Cuyahoga Valley", was so successful that an additional hour and twenty minute documentary was made about the Cuyahoga Valley NRA (since changed into a National Park although it does not qualify) and other areas around the country. The full film is "For All People, For All Time", also produced and filmed by the Jury brothers. Public Television then created a PBS Frontline episode "For The Good Of All" with the late Jessica Savitch hosting the show. These films are available from the American Land Rights Association at
If you want to download the video and have your own copy, open this page in Firefox and Click here (may take 5 or more min to load before you see anything).
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