Membership Form


Residents of the Wrangells is an organization of residents and subsistence users of the Wrangell - St. Elias Park and Preserve who are working to resolve disputes with the National Park Service to protect access and property rights. If you are interested in joining our group to keep informed of and involved in the issues, please fill out this Membership Form and return it to the address below, along with $10 annual dues to help us cover the costs of mailings and meetings.


Name ______________________________________________ Date ___________________


Street Address________________________________________________________________


City__________________________________ State _________________ Zip ____________


Email Address _______________________________________________________________


Phone#________________________________   Fax#______________________________


$10 Dues Enclosed     (    ) Check #__________        (     ) Money Order       (     ) Cash



Please mail to: Residents of the Wrangells

  Box MXY- McCarthy #63B

  Glennallen, Alaska 99588

Also contact us at:





Membership Form


Residents of the Wrangells is an organization of residents and subsistence users of the Wrangell - St. Elias Park and Preserve who are working to resolve disputes with the National Park Service to protect access and property rights. If you are interested in joining our group to keep informed of and involved in the issues, please fill out this Membership Form and return it to the address below, along with $10 annual dues to help us cover the costs of mailings and meetings.


Name ______________________________________________ Date ___________________


Street Address________________________________________________________________


City__________________________________ State _________________ Zip ____________


Email Address _______________________________________________________________


Phone#________________________________   Fax#______________________________


$10 Dues Enclosed     (    ) Check #__________        (     ) Money Order       (     ) Cash



Please mail to: Residents of the Wrangells

  Box MXY- McCarthy #63B

  Glennallen, Alaska 99588

Also contact us at: