September 20, 1994
Secretary Mike Espy
Secretary of Agriculture
Washington DC 20250
Re: Ozark National Forest (Arkansas)
Scenic Rivers Corridor Boundary Delineation
Dear Secretary Espy:
The Arkansas Scenic Rivers Landowner Association wishes to thank Lynn Neff, Forest Supervisor, and his Ozark National Forest Staff for their skilled work in finalizing a corridor boundary on the recently established National Wild and Scenic rivers in the Ozark National Forest.
One of the alternatives the Forest Service considered would have included all private lands within 1/4 mile of the rivers inside this corridor boundary. This was of great concern to us and we protested vigorously in February, 1993. After a period of misunderstanding and conflict, Mr. Neff extended the comment period deadline and saw to it that all voices were heard. After further discussion and analysis he developed an alternative that removed most private lands from the corridor.
Mr. Neff has worked out a solution that will provide the best long-term protection for the rivers because the affected parties will better be able to work cooperatively in the future; needless conflict has been avoided. The final result is generally acceptable to both private landowners and the environmental community. This is no small achievement! ArkSRLA feels that commendation is in order and we are pleased to have this opportunity to bring this matter to your attention.
Ray Kreig, Chairman
cc: Congressional Delegation
Chief Jack Ward Thomas