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The Larry Craig Controversy and the Boycott of Minneapolis St Paul International Airport and Northwest Airlines |
10/11/07 - [Washington Post] Craig Ethics Complaint Backfires on GOP - By CHARLES BABINGTON
- 10/4/07 - THANK YOU LETTER
To All Land Rights Supporters:
Thank you for helping to save Senator Larry Craig. He will finish out his term to the end of 2008. That is the best outcome we could reasonably hope for short of completely clearing his name. If he continues to fight in that direction, we will continue to help.
To all of you who made phone calls, sent faxes and e-mails, a sincere thank you from the American Land Rights Association and myself, Chuck Cushman
To all of you who have quietly been our allies during this battle, a special thank you. You know who you are. It has been a great team effort and a successful one.
Larry Craig has been and continues to be a great Senator and a wonderful advocate for private property rights, private land ownership and the use of Federal lands. Beyond that he has been a stand up guy in battle after battle. We all owe him a debt of gratitude.
Thank you again for all your help. Chuck Cushman (360) 687-3087
9/24/07 - [Washington Times] Land rights group defends Craig - By Valerie Richardson - When a man is arrested in an airport restroom during a sex-solicitation sting, he soon discovers who his real friends are. In Sen. Larry Craig's case, it would be hard to find a better friend than Chuck Cushman. Other conservatives may be scrambling to disassociate themselves from the Idaho Republican; not Mr. Cushman. A longtime Craig ally on land-use issues, he's defending the senator's innocence and blasting the Republican leadership for trying to "throw him to the wolves" despite years of service.
10/1/07 - [Washington Post] Confessions Not Always Clad in Iron; A decade of psychological experiments and observations, however, suggests that Craig's confession should not be seen as iron clad. While the senator's claims of innocence have been widely mocked, a large body of psychological research shows that innocent people do falsely confess to crimes. Some even believe they are guilty.
[Washington Post] Larry Craig: Pleading for Reconsideration
The Idaho Senator's Fate Could Be in Your Hands
As of 2:18 am 10/1:
61% say he should stay in office
9/18/07 - ACLU
says Craig's rights violated; Group says law breaks First Amendment
by Betsy Z. Russell - BOISE – The American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota
has filed legal arguments backing Idaho Sen. Larry Craig in his Minnesota court
case, in which Craig is seeking to withdraw his guilty plea in an airport
restroom sex solicitation sting. Documents: ACLU
amicus brief supporting Craig | ACLU
motion asking court to consider its arguments
9/17/07 - Third Boycott Minneapolis St Paul Airport and NW Airlines email: ALRA email - Constitution bars Senator Craig's arrest traveling to and from Congress!
9/10/07 - Second Boycott Minneapolis St Paul Airport and NW Airlines email: ALRA email - Call To Support Senator Craig
[New York Times] Sting Charges Against Senator Harsher Than Some by DUFF WILSON - Idaho Sen. Larry Craig was far from alone in being arrested in a Minneapolis-St. Paul airport men's room. Of 40 busts police made over a three-month period, he was the only person charged with two misdemeanors; the 39 other men faced only one count. A Wyoming man, 45, exposed himself in addition to other actions, and told the police he had had sex there before. But he was charged only with the minor misdemeanor, disorderly conduct.
Three lawyers for other defendants said they were impressed with Mr. Craig’s unbending denial in an eight-minute interview he had with the police shortly after his arrest. Craig was “tenacious” and “straightforwardly defending himself” in the interview. “He stuck very close to his story, a lot of people would have caved.”
9/7/07 - Bret Hume on Fox News - Boycott
of Airport by supporters of Larry Craig
(56 sec audio clip)
Specter continues defense of embattled Sen. Larry Craig By MARTHA RAFFAELE, ASSOCIATED PRESS
[Boston Herald] Craig should declare himself a Mass. Dem, problem solved by Howie Carr - Sen. Craig’s confusion about the way he has been thrown down the stairs is certainly understandable. Here in Massachusetts, you can plead guilty - as Ted Kennedy did, after leaving a blonde in the pond - and never, ever have to even think about resigning.
All Sen. Craig did was touch some undercover cop’s foot and he’s toast. Rep. Gerry Studds plied a young teenage page with booze and then sodomized him, and for his unspeakable acts was re-elected seven times. About Barney Frank, two words: Hot Bottom.
[San Francisco Chronicle] Purging Larry Craig by Jonathan Zimmerman Is Larry Craig gay? I don't know the answer to that question, and I don't much care, either. But here's what I do know: Shaming Craig out of office because of his alleged homosexuality echoes some of the worst chapters of American history. And we should all be ashamed about it.
[The Hill.com] Lashing out at McConnell by Betsy Rothstein and Elana Schor. Rep. Mike Simpson (R) condemned Senate GOP leaders...accusing them of hypocrisy.
[Seattle PI] Craig finds a defender way out in right field By JOEL CONNELLY
9/6/07 - [Wall Street Journal] Travel Advisory: Group Urges Airport Boycott to Support Craig - David Rogers reports on Congress
[Reason] Standing Up for Larry by David Weigel
[Michigan News] Is Larry Craig Getting Duked?
[Kansas City Star] The Buzz: Carville defends Craig
[USA Today] Craig supporters call for boycott of Minneapolis airport
9/5/07 - CRUISING
WHILE REPUBLICAN by Ann Coulter CNN.cm/Politics - Craig
sex sting case dividing GOP senators The Oregonian - Craig
arrest inspires airport boycott [SunValleyOnline] Larry
Craig’s Best Friend: The US Constitution 9/4/07 - Ben
Stein: Gestapo Tactics Got Larry Craig
Minneapolis St Paul Airport - Must Apologize To Larry Craig 8/31/07 - Here is Senator Craig's
Arrest Report:
Craig supporters call for boycott of Minneapolis airport...
2 page PDF Smoking
Gun Report ALRA email -
Call To Support Him
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