From: [email protected] Subject: Cut Your Energy Bill -- Mail Your Heating Bill To Your Congressman Land Rights Network American Land Rights Association PO Box 400 Battle Ground, WA 98604 Phone: 360-687-3087 Fax: 360-687-2973 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Web Address: Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE Washington, DC 20003 Cut Your Energy Bill -- Mail Your Heating Bill To Your Congressman Urgent action needed to cut your energy bills and end the domination of foreign suppliers. Congressional leadership, under pressure from Democrats and Northeast Republicans, has stripped long overdue provisions to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) to environmentally safe oil and gas exploration from the current budget reconciliation bill. Both of these areas are home to vast, still untapped, supplies of American energy. Time is short but if you and millions like you take immediate action we have a chance to restore these provisions to protect our energy future, American jobs and American families. Tell them you are tired of energy welfare and dependence on foreign sources. You want energy independence for America NOW! Action Items -----1. Pull out your latest heating bill (whether you heat with natural gas or oil your costs will skyrocket this winter). Then, do this: either write on the bill itself or attach a note to it, directed to your Congressman, including some of the talking points listed below in your own words. Mail it immediately to Energy Independence Coalition, 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE #142, Washington, DC; 20003-4303. Your mail will then be hand delivered to your Congressman. If you send it to your Congressman directly, it will be delayed by the anthrax inspections and he or she wont get it for a month. -----2. Call your Congressman immediately at the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 225-3121 to tell him you are sending your latest heating bill. Tell him you are going to send the larger one next month and the even larger one in January. Urge him to support opening up ANWR and the OCS to exploration and production so heating prices can be kept fair. Getting more supply will cut costs better than more energy welfare. -----3. Fax a copy of your heating bill to your Congressman. When you call the number above, ask for his fax number. Be sure to write a note on your heating bill. -----4. Call at least three friends to urge them to do the same things. -----5. Please forward this message to as many people as you can. Talking Points (Pick one, two or three. Put in your own words) -----Here's my latest heating bill, proof of how my family is being hurt by out of control energy costs. -----It is urgent that the House restore the ANWR and OCS provisions to the budget reconciliation bill. -----The Senate has already passed these provisions with a bipartisan vote after years of effort. -----It is important that the House take this rare opportunity to protect American jobs and families from dependence on foreign suppliers. -----I simply can't afford to have my heating, gasoline and electricity costs continue to climb. -----Please, we need your courage and leadership to stand up for Americans and restore the ANWR and OCS provisions to the reconciliation bill. -----I will send you my energy bills every month until ANWR and OCS are opened, as a constant reminder of my desperate situation. -----My family and I will be forever grateful if you take action to provide us with badly needed help. It is important that every congressman or woman be contacted but it is even more important that you send your bill if yours is one of the congressmen and women who are opposing opening ANWR and the OCS areas. See if your representative is on this list and contact him or her immediately. Charles Bass, NH -- (202) 225-5206 Fax (202) 225-2946 Nancy L. Johnson, CT (202) 225-4476 Fax (202) 225-4488 Frank LoBiondo, NJ (202) 225-6572 Fax (202) 225-3318 Rob Simmons, CT (202) 225-2076 Fax (202) 225-4977 Rodney Frelinghuysen, NJ (202) 225-5034 Fax (202) 225-3186 Christopher Shays, CT (202) 225-5541 Fax (202) 225-9629 Sue Kelly, NY (202) 225-5441 Fax (202) 225-3289 Sherwood Boehlert, NY (202) 225-3665 Fax (202) 225-1891 Jim Saxton, NJ (202) 225-4765 Fax (202) 225-0778 Jeb Bradley, NH (202) 225-5456 Fax (202) 225-5822 Wayne Gilchrest, MD (202) 225-5311 Fax (202) 225-0254 Mike Castle, DE (202) 225-4165 Fax (202) 225-2291 Jim Gerlach, PA (202) 225-4315 Fax (202) 225-8440 Vernon Ehlers, MI (202) 225-3831 Fax (202) 225-5144 James Walsh, NY (202) 225-3701 Fax (202) 225-4042 Mark Kirk, IL (202) 225-4835 Fax (202) 225-0837 Jim Ramstad, MN (202) 225-2871 Fax (202) 225-6351 Tim Johnson, SD (202) 225-2371 Fax (202) 226-0791 Jim Sensenbrenner, WI (202) 225-5101 Fax (202) 225-3190 Jim Leach, IA (202) 225-6576 Fax (202) 226-1278 Michael Fitzpatrick, PA (202) 225-4276 Fax (202) 225-9511 Mark Kennedy, MN (202) 225-2331 Fax (202) 225-6475 Mike Ferguson, NJ (202) 225-5361 Fax (202) 225-9460 Bob Inglis, SC (202) 225- 6030 Fax (202) 225-1177 Dave Reichert, WA -- (202) 225-7761 Fax (202) 225-8673 Roscoe Bartlett, MD (202) 225-2721 Fax (202) 225-2193 Walter Jones, NC (202) 225-3415 Fax (202) 225-3286 Steven LaTourette, OH (202) 225-5731 Fax (202) 225-3307 John McHugh, NY (202) 225-4611 Fax (202) 225-0621 Joe Schwarz, MI (202) 225-6276 Fax (202) 225-6281 Heather Wilson, NM (202) 225-6316 (202) 225-4975 Mark Foley, FL (202) 225-5792 Fax (202) 225-3132 J. Dennis Hastert, IL (202) 225-2976 Fax (202) 225-0697 Katherine Harris, FL (202) 225-5015 Fax (202) 226-0828 Connie Mack, FL (202) 225-2536 Fax (202) 225-6820 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL (202) 225-3931 Fax (202) 225-5620 Clay Shaw, FL (202) 225-3026 Fax (202) 8398 Bill Young, FL (202) 225-5961 Fax (202) 225-9764 -- Make sure you also send your heating bill to the Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert , IL (202) 225-2976 Fax (202) 225-0697 -- Some energy facts you should know: XXXXX - The Clinton Administration published a report, "The Environmental Benefits of Advanced Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Technologies", which proved we can recover oil and gas safely in the most sensitive environments. You can read it at: XXXXX - The amount of oil in ANWR is equal to up to 30 years of imports from Saudi Arabia. XXXXX - Oil exploration in ANWR would use only 2,000 of the refuge's 19.5 million acres. XXXXX - Congress originally set aside this land for future oil and gas production when it created the refuge. XXXXX - Areas in the outer continental shelf, more than 150 miles from land, hold abundant quantities of natural gas and oil in very deep water, sufficient enough to dramatically reduce home heating bills across the country. XXXXX - Even during the massive destruction of oil platforms during hurricanes Katrina and Rita, there wasn't a single oil spill from these ultra-safe facilities. REMEMBER, WRITE YOUR LETTER TO YOUR CONGRESSMAN TODAY AND SEND THE 611 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, # 142, Washington, DC 20003-4303 FOR HAND DELIVERY TO THEIR OFFICE. Please forward this message as widely as possible. Thank you. -- To unsubscribe from this mailing list; please visit and enter your email address.