From: [email protected] Subject: Thank Your Congressman For Voting To Fix the ESA. Land Rights Network American Land Rights Association PO Box 400 – Battle Ground, WA 98604 Phone: 360-687-3087 – Fax: 360-687-2973 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Web Address: Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE – Washington, DC 20003 Thank Your Congressman For Voting To Fix the ESA. Alert – Alert – Alert The Green are attacking your Congressman for voting to fix the ESA. Tell your Congressman thank you for voting to fix the Endangered Species Act. Look below. See who voted yes to support communities, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, homebuilders, Federal land users and many others. They voted to actually recover species instead of just using the Endangered Species Act to control land. It is critical that you call AND fax your Congressman thanking him or her for supporting HR 3824, the Pombo bill to fix the Endangered Species Act. Action Items: -----1. Please look to see if your Congressman is on the list of those that voted to support (YES) HR 3824. -----2. Call your Congressman as soon as you can at (202) 225-3121. If you can call today, great. If not, be sure to call next week. Please don’t fail to let him or her know how much you appreciate their vote on ESA. -----3. Send your Congressman a fax. The numbers are listed for those that voted Yes on HR 3824. -----4. Please call at lease five other people to get them to do the same thing. -----5. Please forward this message as widely as possible. Your Congressman may be coming home for the next week. You can still call his or her staff in Washington, DC. You can also call the local office. You might even get a chance to tell you Congressman in person how glad you are that the Endangered Species Act changes in HR 3824 passed the House. Now we must all get ready to fight in the Senate. These Members of Congress voted with Chairman Pombo to support HR 3824 and fax the Endangered Species Act. NAME FAX NUMBER Abercrombie (202) 225-4580 Aderholt (202) 225-5587 Akin (202) 225-2563 Alexander (202) 225-5639 Baca (202) 225-8671 Bachus (202) 225-2082 Baker (202) 225-7313 Barrett (SC) (202) 225-3216 Barrow (202) 225-3377 Bartlett (MD) (202) 225-2193 Barton (TX) (202) 225-3052 Beauprez (202) 225-5278 Berry (202) 225-5602 Bilirakis (202) 225-4085 Bishop (GA) (202) 225-2203 Bishop (UT) (202) 225-5857 Blackburn (202) 225-3004 Blunt (202) 225-5604 Boehner (202) 225-0704 Bonilla (202) 225-2237 Bonner (202) 225-0562 Bono (202) 225-2961 Boozman (202) 225-5713 Boren (202) 225-3038 Boustany (202) 225-5724 Boyd (202) 225-5615 Brady (TX) (202) 225-5524 Brown (SC) (202) 225-3407 Brown-Waite, Ginny (202) 226-6559 Burgess (202) 225-2919 Burton (IN) (202) 225-0016 Buyer (202) 225-2267 Calvert (202) 225-2004 Camp (202) 225-9679 Cannon (202) 225-5629 Cantor (202) 225-0011 Capito (202) 225-7856 Cardoza (202) 225-0819 Carter (202) 225-5886 Chabot (202) 225-3012 Chocola (202) 225-6798 Coble (202) 225-8611 Cole (OK) (202) 225-3512 Conaway (202) 225-1783 Costa (202) 225-1027 Costello (202) 225-0285 Cramer (202) 225-4392 Crenshaw (202) 225-2504 Cubin (202) 225-3057 Cuellar (202) 225-1641 Cunningham (202) 225-2558 Davis (AL) (202) 226-9567 Davis (KY) (202) 225-0003 Davis (TN) (202) 226-5172 Davis, Jo Ann (202) 225-4382 Deal (GA) (202) 225-8272 DeLay (202) 225-5241 Dent (202) 226-0778 Diaz-Balart, L. (202) 225-8576 Diaz-Balart, M. (202) 226-0346 Doolittle (202) 225-5444 Drake (202) 225-4218 Dreier (202) 225-7018 Duncan (202) 225-6440 Edwards (202) 225-0350 Emerson (202) 226-0326 English (PA) (202) 225-3103 Everett (202) 225-8913 Feeney (202) 226-6299 Flake (202) 226-4386 Forbes (202) 226-1170 Ford (202) 225-5663 Fortenberry (202) 225-5686 Fossella (202) 226-1272 Foxx (202) 225-2995 Franks (AZ) (202) 225-6328 Gallegly (202) 225-1100 Garrett (NJ) (202) 225-9048 Gibbons (202) 225-5679 Gillmor (202) 225-1985 Gingrey (202) 225-2944 Gohmert (202) 225-5866 Goode (202) 225-5681 Goodlatte (202) 225-9681 Granger (202) 225-5683 Graves (202) 225-8221 Green (WI) (202) 225-2947 Gutknecht (202) 225-3246 Hall (202) 225-3332 Harris (202) 226-0828 Hart (202) 226-2274 Hastings (WA) (202) 225-3251 Hayes (202) 225-4036 Hayworth (202) 225-3263 Hefley (202) 225-1942 Hensarling (202) 226-4888 Herger (202) 226-0852 Herseth (202) 225-5823 Hinojosa (202) 225-2531 Hoekstra (202) 226-0779 Holden (202) 226-0996 Hostettler (202) 225-3284 Hulshof (202) 225-5712 Hunter (202) 225-0235 Hyde (202) 225-1166 Inglis (SC) (202) 226-1177 Issa (202) 225-3303 Istook (202) 226-1463 Jenkins (202) 225-5714 Jindal (202) 226-0386 Johnson, Sam (202) 225-1485 Jones (NC) (202) 225-3286 Keller (202) 225-0999 Kennedy (MN) (202) 225-6475 King (IA) (202) 225-3193 King (NY) (202) 226-2279 Kingston (202) 226-2269 Kline (202) 225-2595 Knollenberg (202) 226-2356 Kolbe (202) 225-0378 Kuhl (NY) (202) 226-6599 Latham (202) 225-3301 Lewis (CA) (202) 225-6498 Lewis (KY) (202) 226-2019 Linder (202) 225-4696 Lucas (202) 225-8698 Lungren, Daniel E. (202) 226-1298 Mack (202) 226-0439 Manzullo (202) 225-5284 Marchant (202) 225-0074 Marshall (202) 225-3013 Matheson (202) 225-5638 McCaul (TX) (202) 225-5955 McCotter (202) 225-2667 McCrery (202) 225-8039 McHenry (202) 225-0316 McHugh (202) 226-0621 McIntyre (202) 225-5773 McKeon (202) 226-0683 McMorris (202) 225-3392 Melancon (202) 226-3944 Mica (202) 226-0821 Miller (FL) (202) 225-3414 Miller (MI) (202) 226-1169 Miller, Gary (202) 226-6962 Mollohan (202) 225-7564 Moran (KS) (202) 225-5124 Murphy (202) 225-1844 Murtha (202) 225-5709 Musgrave (202) 225-5870 Myrick (202) 225-3389 Neugebauer (202) 225-9615 Ney (202) 225-3394 Northup (202) 225-5776 Norwood (202) 226-0776 Nunes (202) 225-3404 Nussle (202) 225-9129 Ortiz (202) 226-1134 Osborne (202) 226-1385 Otter (202) 225-3029 Oxley (202) 226-0577 Pearce (202) 225-9599 Pence (202) 225-3382 Peterson (MN) (202) 225-1593 Peterson (PA) (202) 225-5796 Petri (202) 225-2356 Pickering (202) 225-5797 Pitts (202) 225-2013 Poe (202) 225-5547 Pombo (202) 226-0861 Pomeroy (202) 226-0893 Porter (202) 225-2185 Price (GA) (202) 225-4656 Pryce (OH) (202) 225-3529 Putnam (202) 226-0585 Radanovich (202) 225-3402 Regula (202) 225-3059 Rehberg (202) 225-5687 Renzi (202) 226-9739 Reynolds (202) 225-5910 Rogers (AL) (202) 226-8485 Rogers (KY) (202) 225-0940 Rogers (MI) (202) 225-5820 Rohrabacher (202) 225-0145 Ros-Lehtinen (202) 225-5620 Ross (202) 225-1314 Royce (202) 226-0335 Ryan (WI) (202) 225-3393 Ryun (KS) (202) 225-7986 Salazar (202) 226-9669 Schmidt (202) 225-1992 Scott (GA) (202) 225-4628 Sensenbrenner (202) 225-3190 Sessions (202) 225-5878 Shadegg (202) 225-3462 Sherwood (202) 225-9594 Shimkus (202) 225-5880 Shuster (202) 225-2486 Simpson (202) 225-8216 Skelton (202) 225-2695 Smith (TX) (202) 225-8628 Sodrel (202) 226-6866 Souder (202) 225-3479 Stearns (202) 225-3973 Sullivan (202) 225-9187 Sweeney (202) 225-6234 Tancredo (202) 226-4623 Tanner (202) 225-1765 Taylor (MS) (202) 225-7074 Taylor (NC) (202) 226-6422 Terry (202) 226-5452 Thomas (202) 225-8798 Thompson (MS) (202) 225-5898 Thornberry (202) 225-3486 Tiahrt (202) 225-3489 Tiberi (202) 225-6754 Turner (202) 225-6754 Walden (OR) (202) 225-5774 Wamp (202) 225-3494 Weldon (FL) (202) 225-3516 Weller (202) 225-3521 Westmoreland (202) 225-2515 Whitfield (202) 225-3547 Wicker (202) 225-3549 Wilson (NM) (202) 225-4975 Wilson (SC) (202) 225-2455 Wynn (202) 225-8714 Young (AK) (202) 225-0425 Young (FL) (202) 225-9764 Don’t forget to call. 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