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Monday’s Washington Post (August 24) featured a story about the threat to the Northern Forests from summer home development and the sale of private timberlands. A similar story appeared in the New York Times on August 11th. Big stories like these usually mean a coordinated attack on private landowners in Congress. The Post and the Journal often appear to plan their stories in advance with environmental groups and key Members of Congress to help pass green legislation.

You can be sure that Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has a few more tricks up his sleeve for when Congress comes back next week. It is critical that all those opposed to the Northern Forest "Skewership" Act (S 546 and HR 971) take action immediately to head off this new threat.


  1. Call Senators Olympia Snow (R-ME) and Susan Collins (R-ME) (202-224-3121) to urge them to set the date for the field hearings they promised. Remind them that they promised they would not allow Senator Leahy to sneak any more of his bill past Congress before field hearings were held in the Northern Forests.
  2. Write a short letter to both your Senators opposing S 546. Make copies and send it to other people. The address you can use for any Senator is:
    Honorable ______ , US Senate, Washington, DC 20510.
  3. Write a short letter to the editor of the Washington Post, New York Times and your local papers urging opposition to the "Skewership"Act.
    Editor: Washington Post, 1150 15th St NW, Wash. DC 20071 (fax 202-334-5324)
    Website: www.Washingtonpost.com   email to the editor
    Editor: New York Times, 229 West 43rd St, NY, NY 10036 (fax 212-556-4603)
    Website:  www.nytimes.com    E-mail the editor
  4. Write your Congressman opposing HR 971. Even if your representative supports the bill, it is important that he or she hear from you. Write: Honorable ________ , US House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515. You may call (202) 225-3121 to reach any Congressman. Remember that Rep. Gerald Soloman (R-NY) opposes the bill strongly and should hear from you. Rep. John Baldacci (D-ME) has also promised to hold field hearings in Maine. Those of you who live in Maine need to make sure he keeps his promise. Call him and get your friends to call him.
  5. Fax a copy of this message to at least five other people, your whole fax list if possible.



  1. Don’t allow Senator Leahy to sneak S 546 into an appropriations bill like he did in 1996;
  2. Watch out for a new Omnibus Parks Bill that Leahy may try to attach S 546 on to in September;
  3. Ask your Congressman and both Senators for field hearings so you can testify personally;
  4. Ask that no land acquisition be allowed by the bill;
  5. Ask that S 546 not be allowed to federalize private forests in ME, NH, VT and NY;
  6. Don’t federalize our forests so the green groups can tie them up in Wilderness and stop logging;
  7. Support our local communities. Keep land use controls local; and
  8. Don’t destroy our tax base by allowing the federal government to buy land.

For More Information Contact:

American Land Rights Association
Tel: CompanyPhone
FAX: CompanyFAX

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