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Kent Anderson
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1 Ronald M. Fisher, The Appalachian Trail (Wash., D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1973), pp. 10-12.
1 Interview with Prof. Mal Rohrbough, Chairman, Department of History, University of Iowa, May 6, 1983.
2 Robert A. Browne, The Appalachian Trail: History, Humanity, and Ecology (Stafford, Va.: Northwoods Press, Inc., 1980), p. i; Fisher, pp. 135 & 156; Forward by Benton MacKaye in the Fisher book, p. 5; Ann and Myron Sutton, The Appalachian Trail (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., pp. 112-113; U. S., Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, "The Appalachian Trail Questions and Answers," (Pamphlet), Revised Jan., 1981.
3 Fisher, p. 11.
4 National Trails System Act, Statutes at Large, LXXXII, 919-926 (1968).
5 Interview with Vera Burgess, May 21 & 23, 1983; Fisher, p. 11; Interview with Earl Jette, Executive Director, Dartmouth Outing Club, May 23, 1983.
6 Interview with Clayton Heath, Department of Forest Land, State of New Hampshire, May 17, 1983; State of New Hampshire, Public Notice regarding RSA 216-D: 1-4, summer 1975, signed by George Gilman, Commissioner, Department of Resources and Economic Development.
7 Heath interview; National Trails System Act Amendment, Statues at Large, XCII, 159-161 (1978): U.S., Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, "Protecting the Appalachian Trail," (Pamphlet), Sept., 1978.
8 Interview with David and Ann Cioffi, May 20 and 22, 1983; Letter, with enclosure, from Earl Jette, Executive Director, Dartmouth Outing Club, to Eleanor Blanchard, Oct. 31, 1978; Letter from Neil Van Dyke, Dartmouth Outing Club, to Stuart J. Stebbins, June 30, 1978; U.S., Dept. of Interior National Park Service, Letter from Clarence Novinger, Land Acquisition Officer, to A. Wallace Cunningham, Aug. 29, 1979.
1 Daily Dartmouth (Hanover, NH), Feb. 1 & 4, 1983; Interview with Helen Lacoss, May 30, 1983; Log of Helen Lacoss relating all contact with her regarding Appalachian Trail; Letter from Roger Sternberg, New England Field Representative, Appalachian Trail Conference, to Helen Lacoss, May 6, 1980; Letter from Sternberg to Lacoss, June 16, 1980; Letter from Neil Van Dyke, Dartmouth Outing Club, to Helen Lacoss, June 30, 1978.
2 Interview with E. M. "Pete" Cavaney, May 23, 1983.
3 Taped recording of radio program Breakfast at the Hanover Inn , April 1, 1980, WNHV; Interview with Kevin and Linda Cunningham, May 21, 1983; Letter from Kevin Cunningham to Clarence Novinger; Land Acquisition Officer, National Park Service, Sept. 11, 1979; Letter from Kevin Cunningham. to David Richie, Project Manager, Appalachian Trail, National Park Service, Feb. 22, 1980; Daily Dartmouth, Feb. 9, 1983; Letter from President John and Jean Kemeny, Dartmouth College, to Prof. Roger Masters, Dartmouth College, Dec. 14, 1979.
4 Interview with Vera Burgess, May 21 & 23, 1983.
5 Interview with Lewis Bressett, President, Hanover Water Works Co., and Ed Brown, Executive Vice-President, Hanover Water Works Co., May 20, 1983; Letter from Ed Brown to Ric Davidge, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, U.S., Department of Interior, Feb. 22, 1983.
6 Interview with Alan Adams, May 26, 1983; Interview with Hank Swan, President, Wagner Woodlands, June 13, 1983.
7 Interview with Gerald Hewes, May 21, 1983.
8 Interview with Alex Filimonov, June 12, 1983.
9 Taped recording of radio program Breakfast at the Hanover Inn, April 1, 1980, WNHV; Christian Science Monitor, Feb, 27,1981; Interview with David and Ann Cioffi, May 20 & 22, 1983; Cunningham interview; Cunningham letter to David Richie, Feb, 22, 1980; Letter from Cary Clark, attorney, Dartmouth College, to U.S. Senator John Durkin, April 3, 1980; Letter from Evan Douple, President, Hanover Conservation Council, to Roger Sternberg, New England Field Representative, Appalachian Trail Conference, Aug. 1, 1979; Town of Hanover, Hanover Conservation Commission Review and Evaluation of the Appalachian Trail Environmental Assessment for Hanover, New Hampshire, Jan. 31, 1980;______________, Letter from Allen L. King, Chairman, Hanover Conservation Commission, to Hanover Board of Selectmen, Oct. 21, 1979; Letter from Richard Jones, President, SUNY-Cortland, to David Richie, Project Manager, Appalachian Trail, National Park Service, Mar. 30, 1978; Interview with Prof. Emeritus Allen L. King, Chairman, Hanover Conservation Commission, May 21, 1983; Letter from Robert B. MacDonnell, realtor, to Ric Davidge, Special Assistant to the Asst. Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, U.S.Dept, of Interior, Nov. 17, 1982; Interview with Roger Sternberg, New England Field Representative, Appalachian Trail Conference, May 23, 1983; U.S. Dept, of Interior, National Park Service, Appalachian Trail Environmental Assessment for Hanover, New Hampshire, 1980;__________, ____________, Letter from Steve Golden, Regional Coordinator, Appalachian Trail, to David Richie, Project Manager, AT, Jan. 25, 1983; Taped recording of meeting between Dept. of Interior and National Park Service officials and David Cioffi and Kevin Cunningham, Wash, D.C., Feb. 1, 1983; U.S. House of Representatives, Letter from Cong. Judd Gregg to David Cioffi, Jan. 17, 1983;___________, Senate, Letter from Sen. Gordon Humphrey to James Watt, Secretary of Interior, Feb, 24, 1983; A Letter from Sen. Warren Rudman to David Cioffi, Jan, 24, 1983; __________, __________, Letter from Rudman to James Watt, Feb, 7,1983.
1 Cioffi interview; Cunningham interview; Town of Hanover, Hanover Planning Board, Letter from Walter Eaton, Chairman, to David Richie, Project Manager, Appalachian Trail, National Park Service, Mar. 28 1980; Hewes interview; Jette interview; Letter with enclosure, from Earl Jette to Eleanor Blanchard, Oct. 31, 1978; Lacoss interview; National Trails System Act; Sternberg interview; Letter from Roger Sternberg to Helen Lacoss, May 6, 1980; Taped recording of Interior Dept. meeting with David Cioffi and Kevin Cunningham, Feb. 1, 1983; Transcript of meeting between Dept. of Interior and National Park Service officials and David Cioffi and Kevin Cunningham Wash., D.C., Feb. 1, 1983.
Photograph Number Subject 1 Appalachian Trail in the township of Hanover, New Hampshire, off Trescott Rd. 2 Main St. Hanover, New Hampshire; photo taken from Dartmouth College campus 3 Dartmouth College (Wentworth Hall, Dartmouth Hall, and Thornton Hall) 4 Dartmouth College (Baker Library) 5 Robinson Hall, home of the Dartmouth Outing Club (Dartmouth College) 6 Kevin and Linda Cunningham and family 7 The Cunningham herd of Holstein cows 8 Kevin Cunningham and Gigi 9 Pasture road of Kevin Cunningham 10 Kevin Cunningham standing near the wall dividing his property and that of Elaine Bent (part of the Northern Appalachian Trail alternative) 11 Home and farmland of Elaine Bent 12 Home, farm building and sugar house of Kevin Cunningham; photo taken near Bent-Cunningham property boundary 13 Appalachian Trail route toward Velvet Rocks area alongside Chase Field (Dartmouth College property) 14 Vera Burgess 15 Farmland of Vera Burgess 16 Home of Vera Burgess with the Appalachian Trail at right 17 Hanover Water Works Company property near Trescott Mad desired by Park Service for Appalachian Trail 18 Area in front of the "sugar bush" of Gerald Howes 19 David and Ann Cioffi and family 20 David Cioffi near his maple trees 21 Pond on property of Elaine Bent; supposed "diversion" according to the National Park Service 22 Pathway to Bent pond
Letters and Manuscripts
Brown, Ed, Executive Vice-President, Hanover Water Works Company, Letter to Ric Davidge, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, U.S. Department of Interior, February 22, 1983.
Clark, Cary, Attorney, Dartmouth College, Letter to U.S., Senator John Durkin, April 3, 1980.
Cunningham, Kevin, Letter to Clarence Novinger, Land Acquisition Officer, National Park Service, U.S., Department of Interior, September 11, 1979.
_____________. Letter to David Richie, Project Manager, Appalachian Trail, National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior, February 22, 1980.
Douple, Evan, President, Hanover Conservation Council. Letter to Roger Sternberg, New England Field Representative, Appalachian Trail Conference, August 1, 1979.
Jette, Earl, Executive Director, Dartmouth Outing Club, Letter, with enclosure to Eleanor Blanchard, October 31, 1978.
Kemeny, John and Jean, President, Dartmouth College. Letter to Professor Roger Masters, Dartmouth College, December 14, 1979.
Lacoss, Helen, Log of all contacts regarding her land and the Appalachian Trail.
MacDonnell, Robert B, Realtor, Letter to Ric Davidge, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, U.S. Department of Interior, November 17, 1982.
Sternberg, Roger, New England Field Representative, Appalachian Trail Conference, Letter to Helen Lacoss, May 6, 1980.
_____________. Letter to Helen Lacoss, June 16, 1980.
Van Dyke, Neil. Dartmouth Outing Club. Letter to Helen Lacoss, June 30, 1978.
_____________. Letter to Stuart J. Stebbins, June 30, 1978.
Government Documents and Letters
Town of Hanover (New Hampshire). Conservation Commission. Review and Evaluation of the Appalachian Trail Environmental Assessment for Hanover, New Hampshire, January 31, 1980.
____________. _____________. Letter from Allen L. King, Chair man, to Hanover Board of Selectmen, October 21, 1979.
____________. Planning Board. Letter from Walter Eaton, Chairman, to David Richie, Project Manager, Appalachian Trail, National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior, March 28, 1980.
National Trails System Act. Statutes at Large, Vol. LXXXII (1968).
National Trails System Act Amendment. Statutes at Large, Vol. XCII (1978).
State of New Hampshire. Department of Resources and Economic Development. Public Notice regarding RSA 216-D: 1-4, signed by George Gilman, Commissioner, summer, 1975.
State of New York. State University of New York--Cortland. Office of the President. Letter from Richard Jones, President, to David Richie, Project Manager, Appalachian Trail, National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior, March 30, 1978.
U.S. Congress. House. Letter from Congressman Judd Gregg to David Cioffi, January 17, 1983.
Senate. Letter from Senator Gordon Humphrey to James Watt, Secretary, U.S. Department of Interior, February 24, 1983.
Letter from Senator Warren Rudman to David CAM, January 24, 1983.
Letter from Senator Warren Rudman to James Watt, Secretary, U.S..Department of Interior, February 7, 1983.
Department of Interior. National Park Service. Appalachian Trail. "The Appalachian Trail . . . Questions and Answers," January, 1981.
Transcript of Meeting between officials and David Cioffi and Kevin Cunningham. Washington, D.C., February 1, 1983,
Environmental Assessment for Hanover, New Hampshire, 1980.
Letter from Steve Golden, Regional Coordinator, to David Richie, Project Manager, January 25" 1983.
Letter from Clarence Novinger, Land Acquisition Officer, to A. Wallace Cunningham, August 29, 1979.
"Protecting the Appalachian Trail," September, 1978.
Taped Recordings
Breakfast at the Hanover Inn. Radio program on station WNHV. Hanover, New Hampshire, April 1, 1980.
Meeting between officials from the U.S. Department of Interior and the National Park Service and David Cioffi and Kevin Cunningham Washington, D.C., February 1, 1983.
Adams, Alan, May 26, 1983.
Bressett, Lewis, May 20, 1983.
Brown, Ed. May 20, 1983.
Burgess, Vera, May 21 and 23, 1983.
Cavaney, E. M. "Pete." May 23, 1983.
Cioffi, David and Ann, May 20 and 22, 1983.
Cunningham, Kevin and Linda. May 21, 1983.
Filimonov, Alex, June 12, 1983.
Heath, Clayton, May 17, 1983.
Hewes, Gerald, May 21, 1983.
Jette, Earl, May 23, 1983.
King, Allen. May 21, 1983.
Lacoss, Helen May 20, 1983.
Rohrbough, Malcolm, May 6, 1983.
Sternberg, Roger, May 23, 1983.
Swan, Hank. June 13, 1983,
Christian Science Monitor. 1981.
Daily Dartmouth. 1983.
Browne, Robert A. The Appalachian Trail; History, Humanity and Ecology. Stafford, Virginia: Northwoods Press, Inc., 1980.
Fisher, Ronald M. The Appalachian Trail. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1973.
Sutton, Ann and Myron. The Appalachian Trail. Philadelphia: J, B. Lippincott Company, 1967.
Kent Anderson received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Washington in 1975. Prior to that, he was a pre-doctoral instructor in U.S. history at that same institution for three years. His dissertation was published by Greenwood Press in 1978 under the title of Television Fraud: The History and Implications of the Quiz Show Scandals as part of their Contributions in American Studies series. He wrote an article on the Federal Communications Commission for an encyclopedia. Anderson has also worked for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the C. V. Mosby Publishing Co. *Other research citations of Kent Anderson have appeared in Public Administration Review and the three volume work, Perspectives on Political Philosophy, edited by David Kirk Hart and James V. Downton. For a number of years Anderson taught U. S. history at the University of Arizona. (updated 7/11/22)
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